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10 Primal Things to do This Summer

Summer is upon us. Hopefully you’re enjoying it and taking the time to enjoy your family and getting out in the sun. But for those of you having some trouble trying to break away from the routine and really get into the spirit of summer – I’ve compiled a list of 10 primal things to do this summer. Some of them may seem pretty simple and obvious but if you take the time to do them I guarantee you’ll build some fun memories and you’ll get out in the sun and hopefully unwind a bit.

1. Go Swimming

Pretty obvious one right here but you should make some time to dip in a pool or go to the beach. Whether you have a pool or your family has a pool or you go to the public pool. Try to just get wet and cool off and have fun with the kids or turn it into a workout. Mark Sisson wrote a timely post last week about the importance of swimming. Swimming is my preferred “moving” workout as I go about three times a week to a public pool near my work. I love it. You should try it too.

2. Camp in Your Backyard

If you have kids they’ll love doing this one, but even if you don’t have kids this can still be something fun to do. Plan it for a night that isn’t too hot and just pitch a tent in your backyard or try to find a state park. You can use this as an excuse to just chill outside and cook some good food over a fire and maybe play some card games near the campfire at night. Even if you missed the Great American Campout – you can still camp in your backyard anytime!

3. Take Your Kids to a Splash Pad

Not sure if splash pads exist everywhere, but they do where we live. My wife has been taking our toddler to the splash pad during the day and she loves it. It’s a good way to break up your day and let the kids run around and tire out! Just google areas around you that have splash pads as they are normally free and a great way to cool off during the summer.

4. Smoke Some Meat

I’ve never gotten into smoking food as I’m normally too impatient – and because I like to rely on my Dad’s method for doing ribs. But recently I’ve bene experimenting with a combination of his recipe and smoking in my Weber. It’s something fun to do on the weekends as you get to spend a little extra time outside around the grill. You don’t need to have a fancy smoker either. Just look on youtube for tutorials on how to do it. I’ve been experimenting with some wood chips my parents got me using my Weber. It’s simple and adds great flavor to meat.

5. Grow Something

Our garden has been going crazy since about April but even if you don’t have a garden you can pick up something from Home Depot and start taking care of it. Whether its flowers or a box of herbs. Growing something is a great way to get outside the house after work and enjoy some sun. Plus you’ll have super fresh herbs for spaghetti or honey roasted veggies.

6. Draw with Chalk Outside

Here’s another one that the kids will love or even if you don’t have kids – adults can still have fun with this too. Buy some chalk and just go to town outside. You don’t have to be a great artist or anything just have fun drawing pictures like you used to do when you were a kid. Our toddler likes drawing with chalk outside — or likes it when I draw Disney characters for her. Some of our friends threw some chalk paint on their wall in their backyard and their kid loves it.

7. Go on a Hike

I’m always pushing hiking. It’s a great way to get moving and to get outdoors. It doesn’t have to be a gnarly hike either, just try to find some trail local to you and head out with a buddy, kids, spouse – and just enjoy the time outside. Maybe try to plan this one for a day that’s not blazing outside, or plan it into the evening so you can see the sunset.

8. Take a Nap

Nothing wrong with naps. Take a nap inside. Take a nap outside. It’s summer. Relax. There are numerous health benefits of napping. A short nap from 20–30 minutes will leave you feeling rested and alert. Read more about the health benefits of napping here and start napping.

9. Go to a Drive In

Not sure if drive ins still exist everywhere anymore but there is a nice one close to where we live. Plan an evening to go out to a drive in if you have one near you. They’re the perfect summertime thing to do because the weather is nice and kids are out of school. Be sure to bring your own primal snacks or even homemade popcorn (#notpaleo).

10. Read a Book

I have a hard time finishing books. The funny thing is I read a million things online but I read very little books. I want to challenge myself to read at least one book for summer and I want to challenge you too. Could be a physical book or something on a Kindle. Whatever works for you. You could start with this book or this book.

Hopefully you found some of these ideas inspiring. They’re pretty simple things to do and I think they’ll be fun for you and your whole family. Feel free to let me know in the comments what you’ve been doing over summer to break away from the routine and get outside!

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