That's So Primal

Baked Bacon

I hate cooking bacon in a skillet. It gets bacon grease everywhere and your stove is left a mess. We cook bacon so much in our house that we had to find a different way to cook it, otherwise our stovetop would be a permanent greaseball.

After googling other ways to make bacon, the one trend I saw the most was to bake it. Now there’s a bunch of different ways to do this and a million posts on google about how to bake bacon, but I wanted to share my way of how we’ve been doing it for literally the past few years.

This is the greatest way to cook bacon because you can literally set it and forget it (until the timer goes off). You don’t have to flip it or anything. Sure your oven will get really dirty overtime, but who cares at least it’s not the stovetop!

Load up the bacon on a foil lined baking sheet

Pull it out after 18 min or so

Place the bacon on some paper towels to dry, crisp up and drain

Baked Bacon
  1. 10–12 slices of bacon
  1. DO NOT PREHEAT YOUR OVEN. I’m not sure why this works so well but this is the way we do it and this works the best: don’t preheat your oven. You will turn it on when you put the bacon in the oven.
  2. But first line a baking sheet with a big piece of foil so you can keep or dispose of the bacon fat once you’re done very easily. Once the baking sheet is lined, load it up with bacon. We pretty much fit as much as we can on there but 10–12 pieces is a good number to go by.
  3. Then put it in the oven and turn the oven to 400°. Then set a timer for 15 min. After 15 min look at the bacon and see if you need to keep it in there longer. This time will totally depend on your oven because all ovens are different. My oven normally takes about 18–20 minutes. But I suggest checking first at 15 minutes if you’ve never done this before. Then just keep checking on it every 2 min until it’s golden brown or your desired doneness.
  4. Once it’s done to your liking, pull it out of the oven and use some tongs to put the bacon on a couple pieces of paper towels to dry, crisp up and drain.. Give it a couple minutes, then dig in!
That's So Primal
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