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Macadamia Coconut Butter

I first caught a glimpse of coconut butter in this video where Mark says he eats some for an afternoon snack. So I headed over to Nikki’s and bought a jar and once it arrived I’m pretty sure I consumed it all in just a couple of days. I would just keep buying it by the jar but I wanted to take a stab at making it myself. After some googling I found this recipe for how to make some yourself. I pretty much followed this recipe with a few tweaks.

One thing I love about this snack is it sustains you. A couple spoonfuls by itself can satisfy an afternoon craving, or you can eat it with some fruit or apples like I do after dinner. One time in particular that I find this a great snack to have on hand is when I go to the river with my family. Going to the river normally includes lots of wake boarding, paddle boarding and more activity than I normally get at my (standing) desk job. So after breakfast and a nice wake boarding run this butter really comes in handy to provide energy and give a huge dose of fat.

If you’re body has been trained to use fat for fuel this will work great. If you’re still stuck being a sugar burner, this might just be extra calories that you’re body doesn’t know how to use efficiently. For more info on becoming a fat burning beast check out this post.

Only three simple ingredients

Coconut flakes

Roasted & salted macadamia nuts


Get all your ingredients ready to go

Blend the 1 cup nuts, with 1 cup of the flakes and dates first

It should then look like this

Then add the rest of the coconut flakes all the way to the top

Set it to on for about 15 minutes

After 5 minutes it will start to look like this

When it’s done, it should be steaming and in a liquid state

Once it’s blended to your liking, transfer it to a mason jar and enjoy by the spoonful!

Macadamia Coconut Butter
  1. 1 cup roasted and salted macadamia nuts

  2. 5 cups unsweetened coconut flakes or shreds

  3. 4 dates

  1. In a food processor, like this one I use, blend nuts and 1 cup of coconut and dates first until it’s all blended roughly, about 30 seconds.

  2. Now the easy part, dump the rest of the coconut inside the food processor. It should fill the food processor all the way to the top. Disregard the line that says don’t fill past this line. We’re gonna break the rules. Now turn the food processor to on and leave it on until the butter is a nice creamy texture to your liking. This takes about 15–20 minutes for me and my climate. I’ve noticed that the ambient temperature in my house or time of year effects how quickly the coconut turns into butter. Just watch it and taste it and stop when you’re satisfied.

  3. Once it’s all blended into butter, transfer it to a jar or some other container. It should probably be good for a week or so but I guarantee you’ll eat it all before it goes bad. Enjoy!

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