This review of The Primal Pantry Paleo Bars is a little different from my typical Paleo protein bar reviews, because these bars were given to me as a gift from my mother in law while she was on a trip to South Africa and because they really aren’t “protein” bars. Sure they have protein in them from the nuts and stuff but these particular ones aren’t marketed as protein bars. Though this company does have some protein bars coming out that I hopefully will be able to get my hands on to review.
So nevertheless these are bars marketed at the Primal community so I thought it would be fun to review these. Of course we will be reviewing the three categories like we always do: Nutritional Profile, Affordability, Taste. Let’s get to it!
Nutritional profile
I think the best bar that we can compare these to are Larabars. Primarily because they both have the same ingredients more or less, and aren’t specifically marketed as protein bars. So let’s take a look at how these bars break down to the typical Larabar.
Larabar Coconut Cream Pie
Total Fat: 10g
Total Carbohydrate: 31g (Dietary Fiber 5g, Sugars 24g)
Protein: 3g
Ingredients: Dates, Unsweetened Coconut, Almonds, Cashews, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
The Primal Pantry Coconut & Macadamia Raw Paleo Bar
Total Fat: 14.8g
Total Carbohydrate: 16.8g (Dietary Fiber 2.8g, Sugars 14.9g)
Protein: 3.8g
Ingredients: Dates, Coconut, Cashews, Macadamia, Almond Oil
Both of these bars have a lot of good things going for them. They’re both made with minimal ingredients. They both taste amazing but where I see these Primal Pantry bars taking the cake – is that they are a little less heavy on the carbs. The Primal Pantry bars I think use a little less dates than Larabar uses. You can definitely tell by the taste since The Primal Pantry bars are noticeably less sweet – and it shows in the nutritional profile. I still love Larabars for the occasional treat but I like that these Primal Pantry bars are a little higher in fat and lower on carbs making the Primal Pantry bars a little less of a treat kind of bar and more of a functional bar providing good fat and not a huge dose of sugar.
So how does the cost break down for both of these bars? This is where Larabar will probably stand out since you can get them pretty cheap at any Target in the US. The Primal Pantry is based out of the UK so it’s a little harder to get your hands on some cheaply.
Larabar Coconut Cream Pie
Price per bar: $1.04
Price per 16 bar box: $16.63
The Primal Pantry Coconut & Macadamia Raw Paleo Bar
Price per bar: $2.28
Price per 18 bar box: $41.00
Woah! That’s a pretty big difference in price. However it’s expected since these aren’t readily available in the US like I said. Not sure how much exactly they are at the typical market in the UK (any readers from the UK know how much these are?) I wouldn’t necessarily say go out and spend your $40 on these bars since they don’t really offer that much protein. I would say you should go buy some Exo bars or Primal Kitchen bars for that price. That way you’ll get more nutritional bang for your buck.
Anyway, they were free to me since they were a gift from my mother in law! But it sure would be nice is these were readily available in the US – say like Target or something like Larabars are. That way we would have a nice low sugar high fat option Primal bar that we could pick up easily.
They may be expensive for us over in the states, but they sure do taste good!
The Primal Pantry Coconut & Macadamia Raw Paleo Bar
Not even kidding these taste almost exactly like my favorite Larabar – Coconut Cream Pie. These bars just have way less sugar. This one was definitely my favorite. Very subtle coconut flavor mixed with dates and macadamias. And since the carbs were lower on this bar than Larabars you can definitely notice that these are less sweet, which I did’t mind.
The Primal Pantry Brazil Nut & Cherry Raw Paleo Bar
Very soft and not too chewy. Not too sweet either. I didn’t really taste much cherry. More of just the brazil nut flavor which wasn’t bad. This was probably my least favorite of the three.
The Primal Pantry Hazelnut & Cocoa Raw Paleo Bar
One again not too sweet – which isn’t bad. Nice cocoa flavor throughout. Just the right softness and not too chewy. There were a good amount of Hazelnuts throughout this bar and I just so happen to really like hazelnuts. This bar tasted great.
It was cool to try these bars – so thank you Suzanne! I really like the taste of these bars and that they are a lower sugar Larabar. I just really wish they were more affordable and in a Target or something over here. Thanks Primal Pantyr for making such a tasty bar. Thanks for reading everyone!
Buy some for yourself:
The Primal Pantry Store