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Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Bacon

This roasted brussels sprouts & bacon recipe is what got me hooked on brussels sprouts.

My wife first looked up some recipe online, that for the life of me I can’t find, where it included brussels sprouts and bacon.

Every time I would try to remake it my portions were off until I think I finally narrowed it down to this recipe. I can almost eat this just as it is or as a side. We make this recipe a lot… A LOT.

Every time I make this for friends and family they always ask me for the recipe. I will now be able to send them this post instead of some janky text or email where I try to rattle off the ingredients.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Bacon
  1. 3lbs Brussels Sprouts
  2. 1lb Bacon cut into 1/2” pieces
  3. .5T Butter
  4. .5T Olive Oil
  5. Kosher Salt & Pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 425°.
  2. Cut off the ends of the brussels sprouts then quarter them. This is pretty time consuming so put on some music. Cut the bacon.
  3. Heat up a skillet and toss in the bacon. Cook bacon until almost crispy. Dump out bacon fat but still leave a thin layer of the fat in the skillet. Save bacon fat and put it in your fridge.
  4. Throw in butter then toss in quartered brussels sprouts. Pour olive oil and crack some pepper over the skillet then stir to coat evenly. Cook in skillet until brussels sprouts start to brown (10 min).
  5. After brussels sprouts are browned pour them onto a foil lined baking sheet and sprinkle salt on top of the partially cooked brussels sprouts and bacon. Put the sheet in the oven and roast for 20-25 minutes until desired crispness.
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