That's So Primal

That’s So Primal Prime Day 2019

That's So Primal Prime Day 2019 header

I typically like putting together a nice primal shopping list for Christmas. I didn’t end up doing that this last year, so instead I’d thought I’d put together a mid year That’s So Primal Prime Day 2019 shopping list. Hopefully everyone has some spare time right now since it’s summer so I thought I’d put together a list of a bunch of fun things that I would enjoy doing that have a primal twist on them and hope you may enjoy them too.

Echo Dot

I’ve written about how much we love our Echo Dot in the kitchen. Our whole family literally uses it everyday multiple times a day. We use it for a bunch of different stuff but I have to say hands down the best thing is adding things to a shopping list. When I’m out of something I shout, “Alexa, add butter to the shopping list”. Then when I’m in the store, I just check my alexa app for what I need. When I see people shopping with little pieces of paper with their shopping list I cry inside because they’re stuck in 1996.
Amazon Link

Hydro Flask

Everyone should have a stainless steel water bottle. Why? So you can drink stuff throughout the day, duh – but for real these are great because they keep coffee hot for a super long time and keep water cold for a really long time too. Not only that but if you like to drink essential oils with your water, like we do in our house, you’ll need to do it in a stainless steel bottle since the oils can leech chemicals from plastic bottles.
Amazon Link

Mushroom Kit

Looking for something fun to do this summer? Grow some mushrooms! Well I guess you can do that any time of year but if you haven’t done this yet, you should. You can set it up indoors on your counter and watch them grow and once they start going you can trim them off and cook them up to add with your eggs or steak or just throw them in your salad raw. It’s up to you!
Amazon Link


If you don’t have a slackline yet you really should. I got one a couple years ago and I use it all the time. I take it on vacations and camping with us. It’s so easy to set up and it provides such a fun thing to do. I’m still working on getting my kids to do it, but in a few years they’ll be pros. My backyard has very small trees so if you don’t have trees you’ll need something like this with an anchor in the ground.
Amazon Link

SPF Shirt

I haven’t worn sunscreen for the last several years. Read this Chris Kresser article about the toxicity of sunscreen for my reasons why. Now that’s not to say sun protection isn’t important. It’s very important, but so is Vitamin D. So once you’ve been out in the sun long enough to get adequate levels of vitamin D synthesis, throw on something over your skin like this SPF shirt (or this one if you’re a girl) and enjoy the outdoors without the toxicity of sunscreen and without a sunburn.
Amazon Link

Kombucha Kit

Not interested in the mushroom kit? No worries, this is the next best thing to mess around with this summer (and beyond). Making your own Kombucha at home is not only easy and fun – but it’s way more cost effective to do this at home too. Buying store-bought kombucha will leave you broke when those bottles are like $5 a pop. Plus when you make your own at home you have total control over the flavoring. I love tossing in rosemary sprigs, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and doTERRA basil in the second ferment!
Amazon Link

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are a really good source of selenium. An essential trace mineral that helps with cognitive function and fertility. It has a host of health benefits, but not only that, they taste great! You really only need a handful of 5 or so to get your daily dose of selenium. So pick some up, check it out and enjoy.
Amazon Link


If you haven’t eaten sardines yet – now’s the time. Seriously if you haven’t tried sardines what’s stopping you? They’re great for your health, cheap and fill you up! They don’t taste fishy or anything. My daughter wanted some of mine the other day when we were camping and she ate it and said it tastes like chicken. So if a 3 year old can do it, so can you!
Amazon Link

Cold Brew Coffee Maker

Ok, I’m not a cold brew coffee fan at all. I literally have never had cold brew. I love black coffee hot BUT this post is for you guys and I know people love cold brew and I saw this and thought it was a great way to make it at home and not give Starbucks all your money. It’s the perfect thing to beat the heat of summer and it looks super easy to make at home.
Amazon Link

Kindle Paperwhite

Reading is good for you. And so is sitting around a pool. Well now you can do both of those things with this Kindle Paperwhite because it’s waterproof. If you already read kindle books on your phone like I do, this is really a no brainier to have a dedicated reading device you can toss in your bag so you can read anywhere – the beach, pool, river, backyard, etc… I’m not sure if you’ve ever tried to read or look at your phone outdoors for an extended period of time, but it’s terrible. You can’t see the screen and my phone gets blazing hot. This is the perfect solution.
Amazon Link

Alright guys, there it is. I hope these few things sparked your interest to try something new this summer and to get outdoors. Let me know in the comments below if you have any other good primal Prime Day deals or summer ideas. Take care!

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